Wednesday, 9 January 2008

Day 6...

Today is day 6.

So far, i have gotten 6 responses; one of them was a failure of delivery. Apparently, the email address wasn't working! Two was from the same agency and they both sounded the same. Looks like they just sent me one of their generic responses. The next 2 were simply not interested!

Only one so far has asked me to send in my manuscript. And how am i feeling?

I am feeling kind of resigned, if you know what i mean. On sunday morning when i got the penultimate reply i had felt a bit low and all those things people feel when they are rejected but as the days have gone by i know that i will not be deterred.

What are my options?
Well, i'll wait until i hear from all of the agents. If nothing positive comes out, i'll consider the various other options to getting published. I'll do a bit of research and post my findings here.

Will i write again?
Hell, YES! But i will get this one puvblished, even if it means self-publishing.
I have learnt a lot while writing this first novel. And though it felt like it was my magnus opus-thats what they call it, isn't it: your best work or something like that-another story is bubbling up in me, which i'll start researching for once i've got this one published.

Unfortunately, my alterego needs my time for the next 3-4months so i won't be able to give Elias the time he needs!

I know, i'm begining to sound like somebody with multiple personalities but what do you expect from somebody with an alterego!

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