Monday, 17 December 2007

The reflection of oneself

All who aspire to create works of art are really on a mission to recreate their images in the objective world.

Think about that.

I was thinking about that craving to recreate my image on my way home from work yesterday. I was pondering on what I need to do in order to put the finishing touches to my book in such a way that it would truly reflect my essence. And as I thought of it, I saw images of a potter meticulously crafting his work of art until it achieves the perfection that he craves.

Then I thought of the creation story. Perfection was not achieved until God had recreated his essence in the physical world in the form of the Adam. And only then did he rest.

There’s a restlessness that haunt me as I chisel away on the words that I have created- as I trim the edges and throw away whole sentences; whole paragraphs-searching for the expression that completely expresses me. I cannot rest until I see my self reflected in my work.And then I think: is it not the calling of all of us to create? Because even biological procreation is really a primeval craving to recreate ones image so that the procreator can peer at the reflection of himself as he beholds his offspring’s…

We are all-those of us who dare to be creators of art and those who dare to reproduce themselves-then gods. For it is in that pursuit to behold our image outside of ourselves that the admonition from the voice of the one who is called the Christ rings true: “Know you not that ye are gods?”

And there lies the true calling of man-to be like gods…

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